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Replaying Chasing You: clues, thoughts and predictions 🕵

My fellow detective friends, I know that all of us are still very confused by the last episode. Because I'm way too invested in this story I took the time to replay S1 and S2 to see what we missed or if there even was anything to miss, haha. 😀
Let's start with the big twist none of us saw coming - no, I'm not talking about Edward being the deceiver, that was always a strong probability, cute hair or not. But him being there from the beginning is something that never crossed my mind. Oswald, the unseen butler, take the stage!
S1E1: Oswald is mentioned by Martha
Martha refers to Oswald but after choosing a room the narration cuts right to the part where he has already left. Not fair! Let's compare with what Agatha suddenly remembered in the last episode:
S2E9: Oswald flashback
I'm not saying that all of us would have recognized him later, but it would have been a nice surprise if we had the chance. But that's not enough, apparently Edward was also the reason why Agatha almost got busted by the watchmaker in Pateley Bridge:
S1E4: The scene at the watchmaker's office
No indication of her ever hearing something from outside the office. But later, by the great power of memory, she recalls the following:
S2E9: Flashback to the watchmaker's office
Apparently Edward stayed at Annette's manison for about 6 months and even managed to build a good enough relationship with Charles to successfully recommend the antipsychotic drug Risperidone to him.
As I mentioned before I'm not a fan of the "evil mastermind who was there from the beginning" solution. The fact that all the 'hints' happened backstage still bothers me because we as the readers never got a chance to find the culprit on our own. I know it's Ursa's story but as a fan of classic detective fiction I can't help but feel at least a little bit cheated.
What about Edward's motives? Is he really just out for revenge because of his father's accident and Annette's terrible indifference? We learned that Lucas Cadogan and Annette were selling stolen antiques together 20 years ago, but ever since Lucas' accident Annette's business has been clean. She only started her shemes again two years prior to S1, and it's said that she was planning to hit the Cadogan business (K.D. Gun Company) hard. Bold move, girl! What if Lucas is actually part of Edward's revenge team?
S2E9: What happend after you snapped, Papa Cadogan?
Loosening the chandelier was definitely an attempt to kill Agatha, but everything after that was more likely done to scare her: the stuff at the London hotel, kidnapping our friends, pushing her of the cliff (Brigitte said there were no stones underwater and Agatha couldn't have died)... Why so inconsistent? I'm still not sure if that was all just Edward's doing or if his father or his brother or their long-lost triplet might be involved, but we'll find out soon.
Let's continue with all the other suspicious people.
Criminal minds: Eve and Ellia
Despite both of them still being shady mafia criminals, I guess we can trust them for now. Well, if we ignore the fact that they only started to get close to Agatha because their bosses/grandmothers told them to 😄 By the way, anyone else wondering why Eve's father is mentioned that often?
In my replay I managed to get both of their support by taking all of their relationship improvements - 5 are enough for Eve if we're just counting the "Your relationship with Eve improved" prompts (be aware that there are other prompts as well), but not for Ellia 😅 I had to restart S2 AGAIN and managed to get him on my side with 7 pro-relationship choices (again, just counting the explicit prompts).
Mother knows best: Olivia (and Gustav)
I'm undecided about Olivia because Alexander was so angry at her in S1 and her intentions for getting him out of the country are still shady. As for Gustav, we can assume that he's a cop like Alexander's father Ulrik was and he's still close with Oliva after all those years. We know they sent Frederick to England to find out if Annette's business was legit, and in S2E9 we learned that Gustav called Anna and asked her about the sheme because he tried to bust her for two years. Why do they want to blow Annette's cover and what will Olivia do when Agatha inherits the business?
Where did you go, Frederick?
Well, he was never seen again after the ball in S2E1. He didn't pick up after a freaking chandelier fell on his protégé, and his phone was silent when our friends got kidnapped and Agatha needed help with her rescue mission. Does he even know that Eve and Anna deceived him? Why didn't he go back to Sweden with our gang? Neither Olivia nor Alexander mentioned him up until now, but I guess they'll have to talk about him if the subject of Alexander leaving Sweden ever comes up between mother and son. In S1E10 Frederick said that he owes Alexander's father his life and Ursa hinted that we will find out more about that eventually, so I guess he could be back in the S2 finale or in S3.

Predictions for S2E10 and S3:
My guess is that S3 revolves around Agatha claiming the inheritance and deciding the future of her aunt's business. I really hope that collecting all the business points (sometimes called entrepreneur points) will benefit in the end - so far I counted 6. Hopefully we'll get to choose who we want to work with and what kind of business we want to run (mafia or legit). I can see Agatha investing in good causes like the open-air museum in Sweden, but the option to go full gangster could be appealing to some people too. But first things first - will we even get the inheritance?
S1E3: Annette's lawyer reads her last will
Sidenote: I also noticed that the timeline is somehow off: S1 starts with Annette's birthday on April 21st and in S2E4 we're celebrating Walpurgis Night which is on April 30th. That means everything up to this point happend in just 9 days which is pretty crazy (and doesn't even add up if you count the days while playing the story, but let's ignore that).
Talking about Anthony Harrison, Annette's lawyer: Has anyone checked up on him lately? In S2E7 the hot mean stranger in the car mentioned he visited Anthony and that the lawyer "wasn't eager to cooperate", but Agatha didn't mind, haha. She thinks of him again while making her first investment in S2E8, but still no worries about his well-being. Poor guy!
We know that Dylan Boston, Ellia's friend and a dealer at the casino, is Annette's and Edgar's son and therefore the rightful heir. Ursa stated the following about him: "If everything goes according to plan, he will initiate a very interesting turn of events and will appear at the very same moment when everyone forgets about him". That's definitely a plotline for S3 and I can't wait to see how it'll play out!
As for our kissing cousins, it's hinted that Dante and Eliza will only be back if we have a close relationship with them at the end of S1 - I think they could maybe supoort our claim regarding the inheritance, but they won't challenge the will.
That leaves us with the the worst uncle of all time, Charles. I guess we will see him again for the sake of closure, and let's not forget that he was after something in the library safe. I hope he'll go to prison for his crimes. Even if Annette's death was an accident because he was under the influence of Risperidone, he still pushed Agatha into a well, colluded with Martha and the commissioner and then tried to kill Agatha again - these are not mistakes but absolutely intentional atrocities.

Well, that's it for today! I know this may sound critical but let me assure you that I still love this messy and hilarious story to bits, I just like to play detective and over-analyze 😉 Please let me know what you think and how you want S3 to play out.
TL;DR: Everyone is sus, the story is messy but I still adore CY so much and I can't wait for the next episodes!
submitted by WaystarKatten to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

[All] And men are coming

In P12, Sarah Palmer lost it in the grocery store, scaring the young clerks. Things unravelled fast, and then she ran out.
Sarah: "Find the car key. Find the car key. Get the car key. Get the car ... get the goddamn car key!"
Later in the episode, Hawk went to see what was going on with Sarah. As he walked to the door, we got a good look of the street in front of the house. There was no car parked there except Hawk's own. The Palmer's house was on a small hill, and it didn't have a garage, so they had kept the car on the street in front of it. We were reminded of this in the FWWM flashback in P17 when Laura ran to James's motorbike, and Leland's 1975 Chevrolet Caprice Classic was parked on the street in the same place where Cooper parked his Lincoln in the finale. Sarah was home, but there was no car, so apparently she didn't have one.
A frail alcoholic like Sarah wasn't expected to have a car anyway, so something else was going on with the car keys. She wasn't talking about her own keys or even about her own car.
In P3, someone else was trying to find car keys. Cooper had just emerged from a socket in Las Vegas, but wasn't really functional, so Dougie's lady friend Jade needed to put on his "damn shoes". Then she got another worry.
Jade: "You do have your keys, right?"
She searched his pockets but there were no car keys.
Jade: "You mean Jade has to give you two rides?"
Then they got going with Jade's car. Dougie's 2000 Ford Taurus was left on the driveway. There was a shot of its back. Its register plate number was "DUGE LV".
What would any of that have got to do with Sarah Palmer?
Just as things started to get out of hand in the store, she seemed to give the clerks an ominous warning.
Sarah: "Your room seems different - and men are coming."
The first part sounded like a throwback to an odd Fire Walk with Me: Missing Pieces scene in which Cooper told an off-screen Diane that she "had changed something in this room". Then he triumphantly realized she had "moved that clock 12 inches to the left". Watch carefully.
Watching carefully, what had changed in the grocery store was the position of the card reader's pen that was now on the left side of the reader whereas it had earlier been strangely sticking out of it. When it was briefly shown in its original position, there was just one line of dialog.
Sarah: "Uh, could I have a carton of Salems, please?"
So, were we supposed to do something with that? A carton of Salems. Perhaps this wasn't blatant tobacco product placement but yet another one of Lynch's anagrams. If so, it sure works as one, and easily so.
Coincidently, this was another connection to the scene when Jade was trying to find Dougie's car keys. That car went missing - or at least Janey-E had no idea where it was - and then it was literally lost for good when it blew up in P5. Then in P6, when the officers were inspecting the scene, they found its register plate on the neighbor's roof. A Patrol Officer climbed up the ladder to read it aloud.
Patrol Officer: "David, union, George, Edward, Lincoln, Victor."
Names of a lost car. There were five names in total, "union" not being a name. They were all names of men, which seems to be what Sarah meant with "men are coming". So, we got a list of names now:
David, George, Edward, Lincoln, Victor
Just as Sarah said, "and men are coming", the male clerk credited as Bag-boy came to attention. He wanted to be coming, too? We could see from his name tag that he was Oscar. Including him on the list of names would then complete it as:
David, George, Edward, Lincoln, Victor, Oscar
Since the names were used for a register plate, let's reconvert them to one:
If this was as intended, the whole thing would have been set up just to switch the letter "U" to "O".
There apparently was an amusing "checksum" that this indeed was as intended. In P13, the episode that followed, Norma reprimanded her brand handler Walter that she had given other diners her exact recipes and how her ingredients were expected to be "natural, organic, local". On her way out, Sarah passed a sign "LOCAL" that was hanging above the window. The beef jerky package promoted it as "natural". At 10:41, Sarah turned briefly to look at a sign selling "artisan" bread that often implies traditional ingredients and methods.
All this got its meaning from Walter's innocent remark.
Walter: "Norma, I assure you they're following your recipes to the letter --"
Indeed, we followed the "recipes" to the letter. Let's bake it next. The updated set of letters works as an anagram for:
When Sarah had run out, Oscar got his only line of dialog.
Bag-boy: "I know where she lives. I can d-deliver them. I guess."
In P14, James and Freddie - "that gloved freak", as Chad called him in P15 - were waiting for delivery.
Freddie: "Okay, Jimmy. We got one more delivery, and then it's hit the Roadhouse."
Freddie then told a story how he had got that mysterious green rubber glove stuck in his right hand that gave his arm "the power of an enormous pile driver". Then James left him, reminding him of the delivery.
James: "You wait for the delivery. Don't forget to sign the invoice. I'm gonna go check the furnaces."
Later in P17, as Freddie and BOB were dueling it out, BOB hissed him an odd remark.
BOB: "Catch you ... with my death bag."
It looked like that what little screen time the grocery store Bag-boy got, it was used to link him to Freddie with one of Return's hairiest riddles. But since the Bag-boy himself had only a fleeting presence in the story, he needed to link somewhere else to make the connection meaningful. That brings us to the pen that stuck out of the card reader that was in the same position as the pen on Ben's desk later in the episode, apparently used to link together Ben and Richard Horne and Supervisor Burns of Silver Mustang Casino.
submitted by kaleviko to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

[OC] Vegas Pulls a Fast One at the Expansion Draft (An Alternate Reality)

(Previous parts of this series include: Jack Eichel Takes Over the Sabres, Jim Benninging the Canucks, Mike Milburying the Islanders, Don Cherry Drafts the Leafs, Tom Wilson-Proofing the Penguins, Dundon DIYs the Hurricanes, Re-Chiarelling the Oilers, Moneyballing the Sens, Covertly Tanking the Wild, and Frenchifying the Canadiens.)

Part I

It’s June 18th, 2017. There are three days before the National Hockey League’s first expansion draft in seventeen years, and the boardroom of T-Mobile arena, the future home of the Vegas Golden Knights, is buzzing. Months of scouting, speculation on who might be available, and discussions about possible trades are finally nearing their fruition.
Bill Foley, the team owner, steps out to grab another cup of coffee when a thought suddenly strikes him. He works it around in his brain for a second, then runs back into the boardroom. A pro scout who focuses on goaltending is making his pitch to General Manager George McPhee.
“...Well, if we don’t take Grabovski, Jaroslav Halak is available as a potential backu-“
Don’t you DARE speak that bastard’s name to me!” McPhee screams. He quickly snaps out of the PTSD flashback that the goalie’s name inspired and moves on. “We’ll take the centre from them and... what about that Rangers backup instead? That Raanta guy?”
On the whiteboard behind them is a set of handshake deals that they have made, pending registration with the National Hockey League's office.
Anaheim trades: Shea Theodore for Expansion Draft Considerations. (Clayton Stoner)
Columbus trades: 2017 1st, 2019 2nd, jack johnson, for Expansion Draft Considerations (William Karlsson)
Florida trades: Reilly Smith for Expansion Draft Considerations (Jonathan Marchessault) and a 5th round pick
Minnesota trades: Alex Tuch for Expansion Draft Considerations (Erik Haula) and a 3rd round pick
New York trades: 2017 1st round pick, 2019 2nd round pick for Expansion Draft Considerations (Mikhail Grabovski)
Tampa Bay trades: Nikita Gusev, 2017 2nd, and 2018 4th for Expansion Draft Considerations (Jason Garrison)
Winnipeg trades: 2017 1st round pick and 2019 3rd round pick for Expansion Draft Considerations (Chris Thorburn) and Columbus 1st
Foley interrupts the goaltending conversation - this can't wait. "George, can I talk to you quickly?"
They take a sidebar. "George, I just had a thought. These deals you made - you just traded 'expansion draft considerations,' right?"
"Yes, we'll select the player that they want us to."
"But what if you don't? What if you just take whoever you want? Would it be against the rules?"
"I... Technically we could do that. But it would be dishonest and would make everyone furious at us."
"So? I didn’t buy an NHL team to make friends. I bought an NHL team to win a Stanley Cup, and also to let people know that I went to West Point. Did you know I went to West Point?”
“Yes Bill”
“I trust you George. Now go out there and get me a championship.”

Part II

Tensions are high in the green room on June 21st. General managers are walking in and out to greet and chit-chat with George McPhee and Bill Foley, the newest members of their exclusive fraternity of NHL executives. They laugh and exchange stories: Joe Sakic tells them about the gas leak in the Pepsi Centre that they noticed as soon as the season was over; Peter Chiarelli asks them to give him a call if they draft a right handed defensive defenceman (because that Draisaitl kid isn't really working out); John Chayka asks them if they're hiring. McPhee is having a hard time keeping things light and friendly, knowing that he's about to betray all of these men. Just submitting an offer sheet is enough to get you kicked out of the GM Secret Santa, let alone dishonesty at this level.
Gary Bettman walks into the green room excitedly. “Bill, George, I am so excited for us to get going. Everyone in this building is so energized, I even just saw Evgeny Kuznetsov doing some smelling salts in the bathroom!"
The Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel and Casino is packed with new Vegas Golden Knights fans. The award show itself is highlighted by the best intern-written jokes that unpaid can buy. Host Joe Manganiello is dutifully following the Jack Johnson model on stage: he might be bombing out there but boy is he eating up minutes. After Brent Burns finishes his Norris trophy victory speech, and the PA quickly wipes the crumbs and beard hair off the microphone, the time has come for Vegas’ first picks.
"From the Anaheim Ducks, Vegas picks…”
McPhee looks out at the smiling faces in the crowd. He sees Bob Murray, sitting with his plus-one for the evening (Randy Carlyle). He sees Jim Rutherford trying to turn his blaring ringtone off with his screen brightness turned up all the way. He sees Lou Lamoriello, sitting with a slightly less murderous look in his eyes than usual. He knows that the friendships he has fostered with all of these extremely normal and competent people will never recover from what he is about to do. He takes a deep breath.
Josh Manson!"
The Vegas fans go wild. The attached trade is announced too: they have picked up Shea Theodore in exchange for “draft considerations.” The general managers’ faces contort with fury as it dawns on them what has happened. Things only get worse as McPhee and Foley continue to announce their picks.
Instead of taking Erik Haula from the Wild, they take Matt Dumba. And they still get Alex Tuch.
Instead of taking Mikhail Grabovski from the Isles, they take Brock Nelson. And they still get a 1st and a 2nd.
Instead of taking Jason Garrison from the Lightning, they take Yanni Gourde. And they still get Nikita Gusev.
After the show, twenty-nine general managers storm the green room with murder in their eyes. Bettman tries to deflate the situation.
“Good evening gentlemen. I understand you’re upset, bu- Wait, where’s Jim Benning?”
“He got stuck in the revolving door somehow. But we have him on speakerphone.”
Benning's voice bellows out of Pierre Dorian's team-issued Motorola Razr.
“That was an embarrassment! A mockery! An insult to everything that hockey is supposed to be! Who even wrote those 'jokes' anyway?! And by the way, the expansion draft was bullshit too!”
Bob Murray’s face is an angrier shade of red than usual. “George you scumbag, we had a fucking deal! We only traded you Shea Theodore so that you would take Clayton Stoner!”
McPhee says “Well actually, Bob, the trade was made for “draft considerations.” And I promise you we really considered taking Stoner.”
The room erupts in anger again.
Garth Snow is irate as well: "You bastard, how could you take Nelson?! Resigning Tavares would've been a sure thing if you had taken Grabovski instead! I can't imagine how this franchise's cap situation could possibly be any worse!" Lou Lamoriello smirks.
Bettman sighs and tries to be diplomatic.
“Gentlemen, I’m sorry, but he’s right. It says in the transcripts of the official trade calls that the trades were made purely for ‘considerations’, not for the selection of specific players. There’s nothing we can do about that. That being said, George, per the NHL’s licensing agreement with EA Sports we will need to confiscate a few of your phones.”
The managers walk out of the room grumbling. On the way out, a confused Dale Tallon says “There's one thing I don't understand: If George went back on all those other deals, why didn’t he take Alex Petrovic from us instead of that Marchessault guy? And he still took that cap dump Reilly Smith from us too! What an idiot.”
The Knights’ players were already fired up by their respective teams’ willingness to let them go – now they’re extra motivated by everyone else in the league hating their guts.
Jonathan Marchessault – William Karlsson – Reilly Smith David Perron – Brock Nelson – Yanni Gourde Tomas Nosek – Vadim Shipachyov – James Neal Ryan Carpenter – Pierre-Edouard Bellemare – Alex Tuch William Carrier Brayden McNabb – Matt Dumba Nate Schmidt – Josh Manson Shea Theodore – Colin Miller Jack Johnson Marc-Andre Fleury Antti Raanta 
They claim the President's Trophy and the Stanley Cup in each of their first three seasons. The league's general managers conspire to exact revenge on these scoundrels, and all agree that Marc Bergevin should offersheet their best young players, a plan that immediately backfires when Bergevin inadvertently saves Vegas considerable negotiating time and helps them lock up their core at reasonable numbers. The Knights later find a loophole in the salary cap that allows them to add high-salary free agents seemingly at will. After they sweep through the bubble playoffs in 2020, it becomes clear that no other team can compete with them, and TV ratings hit a dismal low. Amid financial uncertainty caused by COVID-19, the National Hockey League officially folds in late 2020. Agent Allan Walsh, desperately trying to secure spots in the KHL for his stunned clients, soberly sums up the feelings of the hockey world:
(Thank you for reading, it's been awhile!)
submitted by jfresh1999 to hockey [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 9: Thank God I'm Monokuma!

You can almost sense it now! We're almost towards the end...!
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to. In addition, he was the one who removed the board in the women's restroom. While he kept the hammer going into the dinner-making event, he seemed to lose it by the investigation.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:
submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 7: Rowsdower

Man, who could have seen that twist coming?
Oh, wait. I did.
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to. In addition, he was the one who removed the board in the women's restroom. While he kept the hammer going into the dinner-making event, he seemed to lose it by the investigation.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:
submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 5: Now You're Mister Filling Cabinet

I suppose I should be kind and add in a few bullets about that flashback light now. Wouldn't want you all to get confused. I'll even throw a few bullets in about the events you all went through.
Also, I do want to clarify, so listen up. Just because something odd has happened to you doesn't necessarily mean that the flashback light was used. Maybe the kitchen self-combusted, and Leon is certainly terrible at everything he does... Or maybe not.
The hard part on figuring out what is and isn't flashed is up to all of you!
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:
submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 6: Deep Hurting

Man, oh man. Did Leon really get hypnotized into breaking a window, or is he and always will be a complete clutz...?
The answer may surprise you!
You can pay a few million monocoins to learn right now!
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:
submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 8: Rock Climbing, Monomi

Round and round the theories go, where should it stop, only I know~!
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to. In addition, he was the one who removed the board in the women's restroom. While he kept the hammer going into the dinner-making event, he seemed to lose it by the investigation.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:
submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Reading Three-Point Shot Part 5 (V3 Spoilers)

This is the fifth and final part of me reading and sharing my thoughts on the Danganronpa Fanfic; ‘Three-Point Shot’ by RandomRex6. Here’s the last thread if you missed it, and here’s the actual story if you’re reading along. Spoilers for the canon V3 will be left unmarked, you have been warned, and it’s kind of difficult to spoiler tag the actual final case of a killing game. I’ll do my best, but I will once again implore you to go read the story yourself before reading this.
On that note, if you’re someone who’s struggled to find the time to read this story you may be able to have it read to you instead. A frequent commenter of the story on AO3, Net Neutrality, has their own Youtube Channel where they’ve spent the last couple of years working on a audiobook style video series for this fanfic. It’s not finished yet but the latest update is less than a week old at the time of me posting this, so it’s worth a look in at the very least.
Anyway, we’re kicking off with a big spoiler after the last chapter, so this really is your last chance to stop reading if you haven’t finished the story yourself, don’t start complaining at me if you ignore this and get spoiled
…Ok, that should be long enough. So we return to the cast gathered in the hidden room of the library, having just discovered that somehow, Keebo has taken control of Motherkuma.
He explains that when Kokichi sent him into the virtual world, the Supreme Leader used a flash drive (which I had completely forgotten about) he won back in chapter 2 to create a copy of Keebo’s AI. In the chapter 5 Free Time, Kokichi used a weaker EMP to disable the Nanokumas in the library whilst he placed a stronger EMP next to the door to the hidden room. The whole stand-off where both he and Maki pressed their detonators? Yeah, once of those triggered the library’s EMP, taking out the Nanokumas again and disabling the door to the hidden room (I’ve seen some comments saying this doesn’t make sense, Kokichi would still need the card key to open the door, but I think the story’s good with this one. There are electronic doors out there that actually require power to remain shut, so in the event of a power outage, they’re easy to open and nobody gets trapped inside. I can buy that this is one of those occasions.) When Kokichi fled the group using the flash bomb, he went to hidden room to plug the Keebo USB into Motherkuma, and as soon as the EMP wore off, TDR switched Motherkuma back on remotely, not knowing it was now compromised. Also, when Kokichi sent Keebo off to fight the Exisals, he snipped his antenna off. Kind of feel like that’s something that should’ve come up in the last case, but oh well.
Getting all this information at once is a bit hard for the group to digest, and a lot of them have a hard time believing that Kokichi set all this up knowing that he was going to die as part of this plan. Everyone but Kaede, that is, who seems to have an easy time believing that Kokichi was trying to atone for setting Tenko and Keebo up to die. Honestly, I feel like this shouldn’t be so hard to come to terms with. Not so much the whole, “he felt he had to atone part,” but the idea that he wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice himself when these guys literally just had a trial that ended with him allowing himself to be executed to resolve the unsolvable crime he’d set up. I mean what more proof do they need after that? He literally told them he was more interested in hitting the mastermind where it hurts than his own life. Ambiguous character or not, it’s a whole other story when they were actually alive to explain this stuff to you like he was.
Also, small nitpick, but how does this Keebo know all of this? My understanding is that this Keebo’s memories should end from when Kokichi made the copy, when OG Keebo entered the virtual world. Sure, he can scan Motherkuma’s databanks and learn some of the stuff he missed, but how can he know what happened whilst the EMP’s were active, surely Motherkuma can’t see that either?
Anyway, Keebo’s making the preparations for his Monokuma army (dubbed Kiibokumas/Keebokumas) to detonate at one point in the End Wall to blow a hole so they can escape, but Kaede vetos that idea, worried that they have nowhere to go, no rations prepared, no ID’s and would probably just be recaptured and taken somewhere else. So instead, they send a message to the ones pulling Monokuma’s strings, telling them to make their final ultimatum, or else…they’ll just go with Keebo’s plan.
Of course, the ultimatum proposed is the Danganronpa tradition; one final class trial, if they can solve all the remaining mysteries, they can go free. If they fail, Keebo goes back into his regular body and the game continues. They’re given a small bit of time to investigate, and each have some new evidence in their labs (how did the new evidence get there? Keebo has control of everything but the one Monokuma unit he’s allowing the puppet masters to speak through.) Most of the clues pertain to the canon V3 plot twists; their memories and personalities are fake, and the killing game has happened before. And after a short space of time, the group (joined by Keebo, using a modified Monokuma unit as a vessel) have their final class trial.
The Monokubs are back…again…because we all want that final scrum debate at the end, I’ll give them that. And the start of the trial plays out like you’d expect; they bring up the Gopher Project plan for the first time and swiftly dismiss it as fake news. The information they have on Rantaro suggests this isn’t the first killing game, and from there they figure out that these games exist for people’s entertainment.
They’re shown a video of Rantaro vowing the same things they’re now saying, that he won’t stand for this which…I guess means he failed, since the killing game is still going? …Yeah, the whole ‘Rantaro and Tsumugi are prior participants of the killing game’ thing they’ve been building up kind of ends on a down note. I mean, I know they couldn’t have beat TDR of the game is still going, but I at least thought the pair stayed behind so their friends could go free. But the video message Himiko finds shows Rantaro pleading with his future self to ‘save them,’ so it sounds like he didn’t even manage to accomplish that.
Kaede explains that the clue in her lab was a flashback light, the first in the entire game if you would believe it, only Kaede opted not to watch it, not trusting Monokuma’s intentions. This turns out to have been a close call, as apparently it was supposed to reprogram Kaede’s mind and make her the game’s mastermind. And finally, we meet the game’s mastermind, the mastermind I was spoiled on from the beginning; Kaori Akamatsu, Kaede’s twin sister! She was mentioned a couple of times throughout the story, so it doesn’t come out of nowhere, and Rex left an extremely subtle hint in chapter 20 of the story that I’m not surprised none of us picked up on.
And having went into this story knowing who the mastermind is, I never actually stopped to think about the merits of the decision, and ...I kind of would’ve preferred it if they just went with the teased plan of reprogramming one of the characters we already knew. I mean, the idea that TDR can literally make anyone into the game’s mastermind with their technology paints them as a truly heinous and powerful villain that must be stopped before they can ruin anymore lives…but it also strips those masterminds of their autonomy, they don’t matter. Kaori really isn’t the villain here, and honestly we really don’t know anything about her, she’s not even herself right now because they infused her with the typical mastermind/Junko personality. She’s Kaede’s sister, so we care about her by proxy, but I just feel like this would be more effective if it was a character we were invested in, one we’d really gotten to know throughout the story as opposed to a casual reference every now and then. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not bad, but she’s just sort of…Junko without the shifting personalities.
The mastermind precedes to explain what’s left; who Team Danganronpa are, Keebo’s role in the killing game, they even show some comments made by the ‘show’s’ fans (which are actually comments of the story itself on AO3, which is a nice touch.) That’s basically all the mysteries solved now, so the kids have to make their choice; continue the killing game, or leave, but have their original personalities returned to them.
Kaede doesn’t know what to do, and in a moment that was very DR2-esque ends up in a black void, talking not with her love interest or any of the deceased students, but her pre-game self. I love this idea, these kids confronting their past selves, the versions of them that saw no value in their lives, and threw them away to participate in the killing game. It’s essentially their past selves’ fault that they’ve been put through this mess, so it’s a confrontation that has a lot of potential. Kind of wish the two of them didn’t get along so well though. Past Kaede gives present Kaede some sass before helping her to make a decision.
In the end, Kaede decides they need to take the option to leave and get their old personalities back. She argues they’ve come too far to turn back now, even if this moment doesn’t won’t end Danganronpa, it will plant a seed of doubt in the hearts of those that enjoy the show (which is admittedly a more realistic approach to how TDR would have to be dealt with than the game took. One bad season probably isn’t going to cut it.)
We get the customary final challenge of the MC convincing everyone else to join them; Ryoma joins because if his past trauma is fake, he may have something more meaningful waiting for him out there. Himiko joins to honour Angie and Tenko’s memories (even though Angie didn’t really do much at all for Himiko in this story?) Keebo joins to show he’s a strong, independent robot who don’t need no creator. Maki joins both for the sake of honouring Kaito’s memory, but also to payback TDR for turning her into a weapon through her backstory (kind of the best reason of the lot, imo) and Shuichi joins because he can’t keep hiding away from the truth anymore (even though this Shuichi has already embraced the idea of being a detective as a coping mechanism for his depression)
Kaori tries to argue that once their personalities are back, they won’t want this decision anymore, but Shuichi disagrees, citing the post-trial aftermath of chapter 4, where Miu continued to call Keebo ‘Idabashi’, suggesting that they’ll maintain some of their in-game personas even with their old personalities back, and they’ll just have to take that risk (Like I said, very DR2-esque ending.)
They win the scrum debate with the Monokubs, Kaori admits defeat and takes them to the flashback light terminal to begin work on returning their original personalities. Keebo explains that he’s going to try and hack into TDR’s main servers, and upload his AI into the net, since his physical body can’t leave the academy, he may find freedom there instead. And Kaede and Shuichi kiss (I really feel like this should’ve been the first time they did that, but I forgot to mention they did this in the Free Time chapter of the last section, so whoops.) And the army of Monokumas and the five Kubs self-destruct by the end wall to let the kids re-join the outside world.
Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, the kids have sort of become figure heads in a protest movement against the show. Their whole gamble about regaining their old personalities paid off about as conveniently as it did for the DR2 cast. They’re pretty much exactly who they were in the game, but they just also have some fond memories of watching the show. Kaori’s seeing a shrink, since they’re struggling to get that Junko personality out of her brain (Can’t help but think this may just be an attempt to dodge having to give Kaori a personality of her own.) Ryoma’s enjoying his new freedom, travelling around the world as a tennis coach. Himiko’s on tour holding magic shows whilst trying to raise awareness of how wrong the killing games are (Kind of feel like that message is kind of diluted when you’re still making use of the talent and personality they gave her as part of the show.) Shuichi’s receiving medication for his depression and I believe is still dating Kaede. And the pair of them overhear that auditions for the next season of the show will be starting soon, but the cast size has shrunk again, since they’re struggling to find participants, and something (Keebo) is making it difficult to access the website.
I love this idea of giving us a small peak into the characters adult lives. Sometimes, you just need something a little more concrete than simply hoping that the characters had a good life once the killing game was over. I’m torn on how they dealt with TDR, I know I said it’s a more realistic approach and it is, but it’s a shame that 3/4 more groups of kids have to participate and die before the show gets shut down.
And, that’s it. My journey through Three-Point Shot is completed, and I’m now obliged to give my final thoughts on the story as a whole.
Before I talk about the story itself, I just want to acknowledge how insanely difficult the format of Danganronpa even is to write for;
When you really break Danganronpa down into those four components, you realise how much of a miracle it is that this series is even a fraction of coherent as it actually is. Most sensible writers wouldn’t touch this idea, they’d tell you it just wouldn’t work. So no matter what I have to say about this, or any other fanfic I read in the future, they all have my upmost respect for even attempting this challenge and having the guts to put their work out there.
(Also, I don’t go over everything that happened in these threads. I say it all the time, I want you to read this stories for yourselves before reading these threads. You should never let someone else’s opinion act as a substitute for your own.)
Telling a story is a two-part process; both coming up with your ideas and then conveying those ideas to your audience. Three Point Shot’s greatest strength was the ideas it came up with. I loved the creativity behind the motives, and the cases. I thought the casino party in chapter 2 and the use of honey in case 3 were great ways to make new use of V3’s already established locations. I loved V3, but my favourite parts of this story were when Rex let their creativity go unrestricted by what the canon dictated. Kokichi blackmailing Maki, only 1 murder in chapter 3, Shuichi’s depression, Angie not knowing whether her thoughts were hers or Atua’s, Keebo wanting a surname, the split vote idea. When the story attempted something new, or injected its own take on the V3 canon, I was generally all for it.
And inversely, when the story repeated something that happened in V3 just for the sake of it, it generally wasn’t received so well by me; night time training in chapter 2, Himiko’s relationships with Tenko and Angie, the way Rantaro’s storyline just sort of ended. The problem isn’t replicating events from the canon, I had no problem with Kokichi’s antics and the student council, but it’s when the story replicates something without considering if what this story’s already changed affects it.
I loved the romances. I’m a sucker for a good romance, but I don’t turn to Danganronpa all that often to get it. Saimatsu and…(checks Google) Harukaito (Really? That’s what we call it?) just felt really genuine in this story. It felt like teenagers falling in love, being awkward about it at times because they’re only teenagers and they don’t know what they’re doing. Just very wholesome, genuine teen romance.
However, one of the issues I brought up quite often towards the end was how the story handled its supporting cast. Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki and Kokichi were all used to reasonably good effect across their lengthy screen time, but all the other characters kind of suffered for it. This isn’t exactly unexpected, I did say a while ago that it’s impossible to flesh out all 16 characters in Danganronpa, and you have to prioritise the most important ones for your story. It’s just kind of a shame that they went with the characters that already received a lot of screen time and development from the canon. The only characters that made it to this story’s chapter 5, that didn’t make it that far in the canon, were Kaede and Ryoma. I never really got the sense that anyone here was this story’s equivalent to Fuyuhiko, or canon Himiko, someone who initially didn’t seem like much, but develops in such a way where you can’t imagine them not surviving.
It’s not for a lack of trying. Each chapter had three instances when the group split up (when they’re expanding the school, the Free Time chapter, and the investigation) and it consistently tried to give each character some sort of scene in each of these sections, but they kind of gave me a Ultimate Talent Development Plan vibe; they were fun interactions but they didn’t actually build much character. I think that’s partially because the story kept trying to mix and match different people together, so instead of really developing one strong bond with another person, we got several soft bonds with several people. I can see some debate over which approach is better, but I personally prefer the former, consistent interactions with a smaller portion of the group. My favourite interactions was when Gonta showed Angie around his lab, because that was an interaction the story kept up with, but the little three-way dynamic between Himiko, Ryoma and Keebo was also pretty consistent.
I think RandomRex6 showcased that they’re more than competent as a writer. You have to bear in mind that this was just supposed a simple 1-chapter project that exploded into a full-game rewrite and from start to end, the project took just under a year to complete. They came up with some great ideas, and whilst I found faults in the execution at times, there was always some element that made me want to keep going, and Rex was their own harshest critic, never letting themselves of easy after disappointing their audience with Korekiyo at the beginning, and that fuelled them for the rest of the story. Whilst I think the fanfic peaked with chapter 3, I don’t think it ever dipped significantly after that.
And that’s about all I have to say. I’m not gonna type up my thoughts on the characters again, because honestly what I said in the last thread for each of them still stands. I suppose Kaede stepped up more as a leader in this finale.
It might be a couple of weeks before I start another fanfic series like this, and I think it’s time to move away from the V3 related ones for a while, just to give the rest of the franchise a chance.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]

Experimental Trial 11: The Death of Shuichi Saihara - Part 10: Monokub Roll Call

Can you feel that in the air? That tension? That wonderful despair that's been built up so wonderfully for the past ten hours?
Your pain at realizing the culprit. The betrayal stinging in your hearts at the thought of what they did!
This is the greatest high! All of your despair is so great!
Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File: Shuichi Died due to excessive internal and external hemorrhaging. His body was found between the doors to Komaru’s talent room and the moving bookcase. The blood along the door seems to be in the shape of a rough vertical rectangle a good bit more than 6 feet in hight. There are no chemicals or toxins within his system.
Komaru's Talent Room Replaced what was previously the Monokuma Room. Only accessible via the Monokuma door in the library, and the women's restroom passageway, though the women's restroom passageway was borded up by Kirumi. Though the board appears to have been taken off when Tenko investigated after the BDA. Currently filled with the latest and greatest in an average teenage girl's desires.
Shuichi's Room There is a broken window with some glass on the floor and in the trash, with a broom and dustpan laying in the middle of the floor. In addition, there is a standard baseball laying with the glass on the floor.
Damaged Place of Cooking At 4 PM, when several individuals entered the kitchen to try and make dinner, they found the place absolutely destroyed. Nothing was left intact, and even after 2 hours the room wasn't cleaned. During the investigation, a hammer was found in the kitchen mess.
Leon Sucks Leon has a terrible throwing arm. It was proven as he tried playing catch around 3 PM, and ended up throwing a ball so poorly it ended up breaking a window.
Library Door An automatic opening door disguised as a bookcase, activating from the front upon a lever activating with the appropriate book being pulled. When activated, the shelf will spend around 10 seconds opening, stay open for 40 seconds, then spend 10 seconds closing. Due to the weight of the door, anyone caught in between the wall and the bookcase upon it closing will suffer serious injuries. Though death is unlikely if the victim is given medical attention in time. When the bookcase is in an active state, using the shelf lever or button from Komaru’s room will have no effect.
Nagito's Account A little before 4 PM, Nagito noticed Shuichi going to the basement by the first to second-floor stairway. Shuichi mentioned that he had an important meeting he had to get to. In addition, he was the one who removed the board in the women's restroom. While he kept the hammer going into the dinner-making event, he seemed to lose it by the investigation.
Redone Talent Rooms Monokuma changed the talent rooms of everyone who had not been in the academy previously, though left those returning’s room alone.
Flashback Lights Monokuma gave someone a flashback light after the morning announcement. To use it, all the user needs to do is point it at a group and point. Any who see the light of the device will enter a hypnotic state, where they will accept the next statement they hear as the truth or commit to any easily achievable task. In order to make new memories true, the hypnotic effect will warp and corrupt the victim's memories in order to best suit the new truth, though it cannot warp memories after the hypnotic effect is over. In total, the light has been used about 5 times.
Flashback Light Limitations The flashback light requires the user to point the bulb end outwards to a room of people, and flash the entire room at once. There is no way to discretely hypnotize one person while others are nearby, and any who hear the hypnotic statement will accept it with no distinction for self-identity. In addition, the hypnotic effect only lasts for a few seconds, preventing complex commands or truths to be communicated. The hypnotic effect does not affect a person's mind when they come out of the hypnotic state, meaning that a person's memories cannot be set up to be warped in advance. Lastly, the hypnotic warping only does the minimum amount of memory manipulation in order to achive the desired result.
Accident in Exisal Room The Exisal Room has been found to be destroyed due to Hifumi during the 12-2 timeslot.
Strange Movie At 4 PM several people went down to the AV room to watch a movie chosen at random. Each of them has differing interpretations of the movie's plot and quality.
Failed Book Club Around 12 PM, several people tried forming a book club in the library, however none of them could agree as to what book they wanted to go with, each participant bringing a book that was outside the agreed-upon rules.
Cosplay Session At 12 PM, Tenko and Tsumugi went around gathering up several other girls for a session of making cosplay. The event ended when Miu made a scene and ruined the mood.
Casino Beatdown Sometime between 2 to 4 PM, Tenko was forced to knock out Hifumi because he was getting somewhat moody over not getting tons of monocoins.
Cast List:
Reserve Course:


submitted by thejofy to DanganRoleplay [link] [comments]

Reading Three-Point Shot Part 1 (V3 Spoilers)

So, I had a lot of fun reading “I’d Trade My Life for Yours” and sharing my thoughts on it. I was eager to repeat the experience with another fanfic, and was getting a feel for some recommendations using the Danganronpa Multiverse Wiki that I didn’t even know we have. I figured, ‘hey, the DR fanbase is pretty spoiler conscientious. If I want to know what the premise of a fanfic is, I’m sure this can give me an idea without spoiling anything.’ Then, under the ‘most visited articles’ tab, I saw a page for a character, clicked on it, and right there in the first paragraph; ‘Blank is the new mastermind of Three Point Shot.’
Thanks a bunch, Danganronpa Multiverse Wiki!
So yeah, learn from my mistakes; never look something up for any longer than you have to! Get what you need, then get the hell out!
Anyway, I figured since I already spoiled myself on the biggest twist of this story, I better read it now before I spoil anything else. So on this post, I’ll be covering both the first, and second cases of Three Point Shot, by RandomRex6. Why the first two? Well, this story starts with the investigation of the first case, so if I tried to just cover the first case, there wasn’t going to be enough to talk about. Anyway, here’s the original story if you want to read along, we’re covering chapter 1-18 in this thread. The chapters are a lot more bite-sized compared to I’d Trade My Life for Yours, which is a lot kinder to those of us with less free time on our hands.
Oh, and the same spoiler rules of my last series apply here too; spoilers for the actual canon V3 won’t be marked, since you shouldn’t be reading a rewrite fic without experiencing the original, but major spoilers for this story will be marked.
Ok, let’s start. So, the premise of this fanfic is, in its own words, a ‘justice is served au.’ Rather than Kaede or Shuichi taking the fall in the first trial, the group figure out who Rantaro’s real killer is in the very first trial, and have them executed. Now, as a fan of both of V3 Protagonist’s, I love this! I understood entirely why people wanted to play a whole game as Kaede, but it pained me that so many of them wanted Shuichi to die in her place. Chapter 1 worked so hard to endear people towards the dynamic of Kaede and Shuichi working together, and it felt like most people only wanted the one, or the other. Whether the romance is for you or not is irrelevant, they each have what the other lacks, which has been the recipe for great deuteragonists since time immemorial.
Thanks to Kokichi’s titular three-point shot, Shuichi discovered how the library trap works and tests it to reveal that it couldn’t have killed Rantaro. He goes from dreading the thought that he’d have to accuse Kaede, to being elated that she’s innocent, and the two work together to reveal the real killer.
Now, the first case is…pretty weak. You’ve gotta cut Rex some slack, since it seems like this was originally just supposed to be a single chapter what-if scenario that became an entire AU. They probably didn’t have a whole plan walking in and had to make do with what the first chapter left them.
The first trial barely scratches 5 minutes, and here’s everything that mattered in it (I don’t consider talking about this case as a spoiler when getting justice for the first chapter is literally the whole point of this story.) Shuichi explains how the trap works and that already demonstrated how it couldn’t have killed Rantaro. Kaede confesses to making the trap, and expects to be scorned by her peers, but everybody understands what she was really trying to do and forgive her immediately.
From there, the group wonder how the killer managed to avoid getting caught on the cameras, until Kokichi proposes that they were waiting on the other side of the hidden door in advance, suggesting the killer had to be the mastermind. The group concentrate on who doesn’t have an alibi at the time of the murder, and Kaede zeroes in on Tsumugi going to the bathroom. Shuichi finds it very suspicious since, if there is a second entrance to the hidden room, it’s probably somewhere where the whole group doesn’t have equal access to it, particularly him, the Ultimate Detective (which is just a smidge uncharacteristically big headed of him.)
I feel obligated to point out here, for anyone that hasn’t revisited chapter 1 of V3 for quite some time, that 3 other people have no alibis for this case, all of which claimed to just be in their own respective dorm rooms, and if we apply Shuichi’s logic, it would make way more sense to suspect one of them, over Tsumugi. So, to get around that sort of logical hiccup, the story settles for giving Tsumugi the worse poker face known to mankind. This extremely shaky accusation causes her to contract verbal diarrhoea, as she just keeps repeating ‘it was supposed to be Kaede.’ The group vote her, she’s declared guilty, Monokuma has no problem admitting she was working with him, but says she’s not the mastermind of this story, and executes her.
So, yeah, the story took the path of least resistance to get past this first trial as quickly as it could. Again, gotta cut Rex some slack here since I think they changed their mind about the scale of this project part way through. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not fair to let the first chapter speak for the rest of the story.
That being said…I’m not loving this story so far. I do see things I like, and this story does come highly recommended from the community, so I’m willing to stick with it, but it has its problems.
The first thing that jumped out at me as I read the next section was the pacing. Imo, it feels…off, I don’t really know how to best describe it, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to put it into words, but nothing I can come up with quite sounds right. This is the best I’ve got.
This story always seems to favour cutting to the next scene over transitioning into the next scene, if that makes any sense. The momentum is constantly being reset from wherever it’s at to 0 in an instant, at which point it then immediately starts building up again. You rarely get the chance to just calm down and digest what just happened. This isn’t helped by how the story rarely uses the characters internal dialogue to convey how their processing the situation, which is odd, since this story shifts perspectives a lot. Normally, this technique is done so we can understand where everyone’s coming from, and perhaps sympathise with people we otherwise wouldn’t. But without that internal dialogue, nothing changes. External dialogue is external dialogue, it doesn’t matter whose ears your hearing it through if they don’t have any unique thoughts about it to share.
The start of chapter 7 gives an example of some of these observations. Kaede has a nightmare where instead of being forgiven, everyone feels betrayed upon learning what Kaede did, Shuichi especially. She then goes through her horrific execution from the actual game before waking up. We barely get any insight into Kaede’s inner thoughts after what she just witnessed before the scene ends, and the next scene opens with the following morning, and the nightmare isn’t brought up again for the rest of this section. The nightmare itself is such a great idea to convey the guilt eating Kaede up, despite what the others have to say. But the story is so eager to move past it that it doesn’t leave much of an impact. And this is how the whole section plays out. It has one gear; GO! And it’s so abrupt and difficult to get invested in, because there’s just no time to breathe.
But enough about the pacing. Kaito and Shuichi’s night time training is already going on, which is a bit weird since that was something they did to take Shuichi’s mind off his grief, but he doesn’t have any particularly strong grief in this story yet (Kaede joins their training later.) The group give Shuichi time to rest whilst they explore the school, but by the time they find the secret passage in the girl’s bathroom, Monokuma’s already blocked the tunnel off. Also, as a sidenote, the flashback lights are gone in this story so far. Looks like they’ve abandoned the gopher project storyline when they abandoned Tsumugi.
The group make plans to hold a party in the casino, which I think is a great way to make use of an area that wasn’t really used in the canon story. It follows that up with this story’s take on the motive video. This time, each person receives their own videos, but the videos actually show their pre-V3 selves psyching them up to win the killing game, which confuses the group since they remember being kidnapped and forced to take part in the game. I like this take on the motive, it stirs up the pot without outright spoiling the end game twist. The kids are forbidden from destroying the videos, so settle for just agreeing not to watch them (Press X to doubt.)
We then get a ‘free time’ chapter, which isn’t quite the FTE formula we all know. This story doesn’t have one definitive protagonist, so instead the entire group breaks off into smaller huddles to spend time with each other in pairs or threes. This is one of the few times in this section where the story slows down and just lets the students showcase their personalities, and it shows that it’s fully capable of doing it well. Ryoma overcoming his reluctance to play tennis just because someone called him chicken is a bit trivialising, but we get some nice foreshadowing for Korekiyo’s sister, Himiko and Tenko get a nice dynamic, Angie manages to see eye to eye with Gonta and his love of insects, and Kokichi’s interaction with Monokuma in private betrays how on edge Kokichi really is. I just wish this didn’t have to be crammed into one chapter, and could’ve been intermingled with the rest of the section.
The party scene is pretty nice. It has some of that weird pacing again (we go from Kaede, at breakfast, going over what their plans for the party are this evening to the next scene…which is in the evening, Kaede getting dressed for the party. Just nothing else of note happened that day, I guess) but we get more fun interactions between some of the students, Korekiyo taking an interest in Angie’s religion, Kaito trying to help Ryoma get over his time in prison. I can imagine some beautiful CG’s of this party if it was an actual game. But the group don’t realise until it’s too late that Kokichi snuck away from the party to steal and watch everyone’s motive videos.
It doesn’t take too much longer after this for the deadly life to begin. I try to avoid talking about the case itself in these threads, but there were a lot of aspects to this case that just didn’t settle well with me. Again, I encourage you to read the story yourself and form your own opinions before reading my criticism below.
I do get what they’re going for; Tenko absolutely would kill Korekiyo upon discovering he’s a serial killer that targets young girls to send them to his dead sister. The storyline is definitely believable, but I don’t buy that Tenko would be fine with Himiko being executed at in their place, or how the story revealed Korekiyo’s secret. I like the aftermath of the trial, I like the dynamic they’ve set up between Kokichi and Maki but I can’t agree with how the case itself played out.
Overall, I’m nearly twenty chapters in now, and although I see plot elements I like (and I really want to see how that mastermind thing plays out,) I’m not loving the story so far, and am debating whether or not I should keep reading it. I leaning towards giving them one more case to try and win me over, but if it I’m still not invested in it after that, it may just be better for all of us if I move on to another fanfic instead.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]


2009 (Year 4 in Riordanverse)
• 28th - Nico turns 12 (not stated in book)
• 12th - Annabeth turns 16 (not stated in book)
• 12th - sunset = Percy and Rachel on the beach; Beckedorf interrupts; Rachel kisses Percy [>.<] before they leave; night = Percy and Beckendorf sneak on the Princess Andromeda; Percy distracts monsters (one being giant crab) while Beckendorf sets explosives; Percy gets caught and tries to fight Kronos and finds out their mission was a trap; Beckendorf gets caught, then detonates the explosives and Percy jumps in the water to escape explosion and blacks out (Beckendorf doesn’t make it off the boat [cries]); Percy has a dream of Mount Tam and Nico saying he needs to make a decision soon
• 13th - Tyson wakes Percy up underwater and tells him about the boat, Beckendorf, and that he’s at Poseidon’s palace; Percy meets Poseidon’s wife and son, then talks with Poseidon and he says to tell Chiron it’s time to hear the full prophecy; afternoon = Percy returns to camp and brings the bittersweet news of the explosion; Percy and Annabeth go to the attic to get the prophecy [Percy states that he didn’t realize it then, but that would be the last time he ever visited the attic]; at the head counselor meeting, Percy reads the prophecy to everyone, most of them (Percy included) hearing it for the first time; Percy learns of Typhon’s escape; night = Percy has a dream of Rachel and her painting past & future events
• 14th - Percy and Annebeth do cabin inspections; they have burial ceremony for Beckendorf [cries again]; Percy tries and fails to convince Clarisse to fight in the upcoming battle; Percy talks to Juniper and Leneus about Grover missing, then to Nico about the plan to give Percy a fighting chance against Kronos; night = Nico and Percy take Mrs. O’Leary to go visit May Castellan; after their visit they talk with Hestia and then she transports them to Percy’s apartment (Mrs. O’Leary included); Nico and Percy talk with Sally and Paul and get Sally’s blessing for their plan; Percy, Nico, and Mrs. O’Leary shadow travel to Central Park to get to smaller Underworld entrance; they find Grover and tell him he’s been missing for two months; he then opens up the gate to the Underworld
• 15th - early morning = Percy gets tricked by Nico and they talk with Hades; Percy gets locked in the Underworld dungeon; Percy has dream of Rachel on vacation and the gods fighting Typhon; Nico helps Percy escape; Percy bathes in the River Styx; fights Hades’ army and the god himself, but when Percy pins Hades to the ground he fades into nothingness; late afternoon = Percy meets other campers (40 including him, Ares cabin excluded) at the Empire State building; they all go up to Olympus; Hestia greets them, then shows Percy a flashback of when Thalia and Luke met Annabeth, then of them coming up on Luke’s house, then the vision stops; Hermes shows up, and Percy & Annabeth talk to him while everyone else scouts for anyone left on Olympus; they realize that Morpheus has put all of Manhattan to sleep and that the invasion has begun; while they’re planning tunnel blockades, 30 Hunters join the fight; night = Percy makes a deal with the East and Hudson rivers to help them defend the city; on Williamsburg bridge, Percy joins the Apollo cabin and fights the Minotaur and the rest of the army it was leading across
• 16th - early morning = they push them back, but then Kronos joins the fight; Percy and Annabeth fight shoulder to shoulder, then she gets stabbed by Ethan Nakamura protecting Percy’s soft spot; Blackjack gets Annabeth out of there; Percy fights Kronos and destroys the bridge, killing monsters and pushing the army back (Michael Yew didn’t make it of the bridge) [cries yet again]; Percy and Will Solace go to the hotel where they made a base to treat Annabeth’s wound; Jake Mason tells Percy the enemy army retreated at sunrise; Silena leaves to try to convince Clarisse and Ares cabin to join the fight; Percy and Annabeth talk, Percy shows her his Achilles spot, and she tells him about Luke visiting her house the previous year before BOTL; Grover tells Percy he’s rallied most of the nature spirits in the city; Percy, Grover, Thalia, and Jake talk about the spy; Percy goes to rest, and has a dream about Nico learning about his past before the Lotus Casino [totally forgot that Hades had Alecto the Fury wipe their memories in the Lethe before taking them to the Lotus Hotel] and about the curse Hades put on the Oracle; then Percy’s dream changed to show Rachel on the shore and she wrote something in ancient Greek in the sand but Percy only saw his name (Perseus) before it got washed away, and Rachel convincing her father they had to get back to New York immediately in order to get a message to Percy; late afternoon = Thalia wakes Percy up; they go outside to meet Prometheus (a titan), a hyperborean (Morrain), Ethan Nakamura, and an empousa; Prometheus tries to talk Percy into surrendering, then shows him the rest of Luke’s past, continuing from what Hestia showed him; then Prometheus gives Percy Pandora’s Box; when they get back to the hotel, Percy and Thalia talk briefly, then Percy sleeps some more; he has a dream of Tyson and Cyclopes fighting in battle at Poseidon’s palace; dream switched to Ethan and Kronos talking about Annabeth getting stabbed and protecting Percy, then Ethan asks if Luke is still fighting Kronos; dream changed one more time to reveal all that happened to May Castellan when Luke was a baby; evening/night = battle in Central Park; Percy fights Hyperion and creates personal hurricane; they defeat Hyperion, but then Kronos unleashes his surprise: the Clazmonian Sow (giant flying sow); Percy activates lion statues to defeat giant pig; Percy helps Annabeth kill a Hyperborean; late night = they fought and fought until they were backed up a block from the Empire State Building from every direction; they’re about to retreat to the doors when the Party Ponies join the fight
• 17th - very early morning (still dark) - they push back the Titan army, then regroup; Chiron fills Percy and Annabeth in on Typhon’s progress, how Mr. D is missing and Hephaestus is too injured to rejoin; morning = Percy and Annabeth talk for a bit; Percy looks around at all the injured, then is suddenly transported to a “dingy bar”; Percy talks with Mr. D and he warns that if the gods are defeated the entirety of Western Civilization will come undone; then he admits that the Olympians need heroes; Mr. D warns that Kronos’ current form is temporary, and by the next day he will burn away his host (Luke) and his very presence will incinerate anyone who's near him and he will make the other titans more powerful; Mr. D returns Percy (it’s as though he never left) and he sees his mom and Paul asleep in their car; Rachel shows up in a helicopter and Annabeth saves her from crashing after the pilot falls asleep; Percy and Rachel talk about what’s been happening with her (visions and such), and she tells him the message in the sand was “Perseus, you are not the hero”; Rachel and Chiron go and talk while Percy takes a nap; he has a dream about Nico trying to convince Hades (in the presence of Persephone and Demeter) to join and fight in the war; the dream changed to Kronos talking with Ethan and Prometheus and telling them to unleash the drakon immediately; afternoon = Percy wakes up and warns them and they try their best to prepare (down to 16 campers, 15 hunters, and 6 satyrs in fighting shape, and a lot of drunk Party Ponies); Percy and Mrs. O’Leary charge the drakon, and Percy stabs one of its eyes; 30 Ares campers join the fight, with “Clarisse” leading them; the real Clarisse shows up after the fake gets sprayed with poison, then Clarisse defeats the drakon single-handedly; the fake Clarisse is revealed to be Selena Beauregard, and she confesses to being the spy, then dies from her injuries [cries one more time but definitely not the last time]; Clarisse then fights and drives back the enemy with the blessing of Ares; they regroup in Empire State building and Percy sends Mrs. O’Leary on an errand; Percy, Annabeth, and Grover go up to Olympus and into the throne room; Grover and Annabeth leave Percy and Rachel to talk with Hestia; Percy gives Pandora’s Jar and Hope to Hestia; Percy sits on Poseidon’s throne, gets his attention, and convinces Poseidon to come help defend Olympus; evening/night = Thalia comes in and says that the enemy is advancing with Kronos leading them; when they get down there, Chiron and Kronos are having a stare-down, then the two of them fight; Chiron gets thrown into a wall and buried under rubble; as Kronos is about to attack again, Mrs. O’Leary and Nico join the fight, along with an entire undead army, Persephone, Demeter, and Hades himself; Kronos seals himself, the demigods, and the Empire State Building off, collapsing the magic around the rest of Manhattan; all Hades breaks loose [pun intended]; Paul and Sally join the fight; late night = Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover head into the building and up towards Olympus, following Kronos; Annabeth almost falls to her death (MoA parallel); Thalia gets pinned under Hera statue; Percy fights Kronos and Annabeth and Grover fight Ethan Nakamura; Annabeth gets knocked aside, Percy tries to reason with Ethan, then Ethan attacks Kronos, but he gets injured then falls through a hole in the ground made by Kronos and dies; Percy and Kronos fight more, then Kronos freezes time and shows Percy images of the fight going on and of Typhon approaching; Poseidon and his army join the fight against Typhon and they defeat him
• 18th - Percy turns 16; early morning (probably still dark out) = Annabeth gets through to Luke, Percy gives Luke Annabeth’s dagger, then Luke stabs himself, defeating Kronos; after some final words, Luke dies, shortly after the gods come in and Percy says they need a burial shroud for a son of Hermes; next few hours: the gods repair the throne room, Zeus lights up the Empire State Building blue for Sally, Percy greets those who survived, Nico and Hades were welcomed on Olympus as heroes, Percy talks briefly with Mr. D and Grover, Poseidon’s army comes into the throne room and Tyson tackle Percy; Poseidon congratulates Percy and gives him a hug; Olympian council takes place; they call up Thalia, then Tyson who’s appointed general, Grover who becomes a member of the Council of Cloven Elders, Annabeth who is assigned with redesigning and rebuilding Olympus; then Percy is called up and offered immortality, but he turns it down, requesting instead that: the gods claim *all* their children by age 13, Calypso and other peaceful titan-kind b e pardoned, and that the Big Three oath be undone; Percy talks with Hermes; as he’s leaving, Athena talks briefly with Percy; afternoon = when him and Annaebth reach the lobby, they’re greeted by Sally and Paul, then Nico runs in and says that Rachel took Blackjack to CHB; Annabeth, Percy, and Nico get to camp as Rachel becomes the new Oracle; then Rachel spouts the Prophecy of Seven [Apollo says it may not even be in Percy’s lifetime… HA, how wrong he was, as it takes place not even a full year after]; the rest of the day: campers came back from Manhattan, the dead were given proper funeral rights at the campfire, and dinner was lowkey; night/dark = after dinner and the crowd had lessened, Annabeth sat next to Percy at the Poseidon table and gave him a cupcake (made by herself and Tyson) and wished him happy birthday, and he realized that he hadn’t realized that it had been his birthday; they talk, she kisses him, then they get thrown in the lake and kiss some more
• next two weeks (camp went two weeks longer, leading right up to the school year) - new demigods popped up all over the place, all were claimed and brought to CHB with help of satyrs; new cabins for Hades and minor gods being built
• 1st [exactly 2 weeks after Percy’s birthday, but it’s in the middle of the week, so this exact date is unknown] - last day of camp; late afternoon = Percy talks with Poseidon [dude, Poseidon jokes about claiming all his other kids and sending Percy some siblings then he gave Percy one of his inside joke winks and Percy still wasn’t sure if he was serious or not. I know that Rick probably won’t make another Poseidon kid, but you never know]; evening = last night at camp and bead ceremony, the bead having a picture of the Empire State Building and all the names of the fallen campers in Greek
• 2nd [?] - Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel stand at the top of Half-Blood Hill; Rachel says goodbye; Percy and Annabeth talk briefly before racing each other to the road; “And for once, I didn’t look back.”
• within the next week - Percy starts 10th grade
TLO / PJO Prophecy
A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen against all odds,
And see the world in endless sleep,
The hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze
~The Lightning Thief Timeline~
~The Sea of Monsters Timeline~
~The Titan's Curse Timeline~
~The Battle of the Labyrinth Timeline~
~Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades (Short Story) Timeline/Summary~
~Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon (Short Story) Timeline/Summary~
~HOO Timelines (links to TLH)~
submitted by rae_bella to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

[AAR] Finishing up first score

GMing this for first time. Part 1 here:
Panning to Red Sashes casino floor, our Spider and Slide are blending in as customers. They here their teammates break through the wall...and the Spider says he wants to light the room on fire, stealthily. Ok, checks off lantern...Finesse check. He pushes for +1effect from Risky/Std. And Slide assist. FAIL! Level 2 harm, "2nd degree burns" - he lights himself on fire by mistake! He resists, but rolls a 1. Ouch!
Slide wants a chance. Takes the lantern...FAIL! This time I rule that the guards have taken notice. She resists this with a 6. Plays it off as a drunk couple fussing with the curtains.
Cut to...the cash room where the Hound and Cutter bashed through the wall. Cutter wanted to basically intimidate the guards to drop their weapons. They have the special that gets +1 command if they are frightened....well, I just said that the combo of breaking through the wall and acting like a lunatic gave them the bonus (no roll??). Rolled a 4, and ruled it just affected one of the two guards. Hound wants to shoot the hand of the other guard. Success, but +1 heat because of the gunshot.
Cut to...Spider now going to convince the guards on the floor the gunshot came from OUTSIDE. Takes my Devil's bargain that he has go with the guards. rolls 4, I give him Desperate position from here on out. Meanwhile, the crew are taking the strongboxes of loot. The plan was to take it up the roof, then over and down the other side of the block. I basically just said 'this happens', as I didn't see the need to roll for this. True, the boxes are heavy, but i didn't like if I needed to start applying consequences to this.
The last loose end was the Spider off on his own. Two rolls to get out of it (one to mark innocents as the true culprits, and another to finally Sway away)...but with a final penalty of a clock on 'Red Sashes Revenge'. We didn't do any flashback mechanics, but did at least do assist, push yourself, Bargains, resistance mechanics.
Post Score: They planned their timing right, which got them an extra coin to keep, so 5 coin. 4 total heat. 4 Rep. Everyone got a couple of XP. (Two characters are majorly stressed right now). -1 with Red Sashes, they are already +2 with Lamps, so kept it there (may start a clock to get to +3?). Crew got 3 XP.
Entanglements: A simple I probably will start our next session off with this, and offer 2 coin, or the roll for Heat...and then they can do DTAs, one of which they burned in a flash forward (Maybe I just give them that one back!).
Now i have to move the NPC world ahead...not sure where we go from here, but it's exciting!
submitted by apache_alfredo to bladesinthedark [link] [comments]

My RE3 Remake Treatment

Hey guys, so I wasn’t very satisfied with RE2 Remake’s treatment of the story so I decided to write my own treatment. Got it done and I was happy with it. Now I have to admit, I wasn’t a big fan of RE3 Remake’s treatment either but I much prefer it over RE2 Remake. I felt the plot was actually expanded upon even if little (finally explained the vaccine’s origins) as well as flesh the characters out much more than what RE2 Remake did for theirs. Overall, yes I like RE3R over RE2R even if it “cut” out more (though I believe RE2R’s cutting of B scenario is a bigger sin than any in RE3R), so sue me!
I’m not here to write a novel, just a Wikipedia/walkthrough style summary of how I would’ve done RE3R same as I did for RE2R. Here’s my treatment of RE3 Remake.
The game’s intro was alright. I’d like to expand on it by including news footage of police and UBCS forces fighting against zombies. So a bit of a mix between the classic and the new intro. Remember how they did the Birkin vs USS in RE2R by turning it into found footage instead of a flashback? I didn’t like it in RE2R but felt it would work better for this one. So found footage of police body cams, reporters’ cameras, etc. They are filming the fall of Raccoon City. Its last stand on September 28th. This intro is interspersed with scenes of Umbrella experimenting on and creating Nemesis. The intro ends with one of the police officers getting massacred and dropping dead, his body cam focused on a helmet of a deceased officer. Sort of a reference to the final and iconic/memorable shot of the original RE3’s intro with the zoom-in.
Now here’s what I didn’t like with RE3R’s prologue. Jill somehow slept through all of the chaos going on outside and it all happened instantly? Hmm… something isn’t right. Then again in RE: Outbreak, the eight protagonists were chilling in J’s Bar while there was already an army of the undead just a few blocks away but whatever.
So in my version, Jill is already aware of the chaos going on outside. My redesign of Jill is quite similar to the remake version except she doesn’t have an elbow brace and is wearing a t-shirt with a sweater wrapped around her waist. She has her belt and leg holster on, her Samurai Edge on her, and she’s ready to move. She delivers her classic speech of “this is my last escape” and prepares to leave. She gets a phone call before she leaves and answers it, hearing Brad from the other line warning her about something and telling her to meet him outside. Jill hears a loud crashing just outside and the electricity goes out in her apartment which also cuts Brad off the line. Jill exits her room and finds her neighbor feeding on someone. She raises her gun at him and he does the classic RE1 zombie turn.
Jill is forced to kill him before heading for the elevator. As she waits, she hears loud steps and breaks coming for her. She turns and the wall bursts as a large masked man enters. It goes after her and attacks her, she manages to escape it as she heads down the stairs. She sees the lower levels of the apartment has been set on fire and she keeps running as the man chases after her. She manages to evade him by jumping off a window as an explosion envelopes the area.
Jill lands albeit as safe as can be on the street just outside her apartment building. Standing up, Jill finds herself surrounded by zombies. She fights her way through the end of an alley and is cornered, forcing her to break open the door. Jill makes a run for it and enters a small warehouse before locking the door behind her. As she moves, a paranoid old man appears from behind some boxes aiming his gun at her. Jill tells him to stay calm and put the gun down, and he refuses, telling her that this is his hiding place and she should get out. Jill talks him down by telling him she’s a police officer before quickly disarming him one-handedly (reference to RE1 Remake Jill with Barry before the Lisa fight). Jill then puts the gun down and tells him they have to survive together. He tells him his name is Dario Rosso and that his wife and daughter were killed outside and he has nothing left, instead he makes a break for a container and locks himself in. Jill tries to talk him out of it but he refuses to leave and would rather starve to death than be eaten.
Jill exits through the other end of the warehouse and navigates herself through the ruins of Raccoon City. She runs into some people running away and she hears cries of death echoing throughout. Jill eventually crosses paths with Brad while he’s running away from zombies. Jill eliminates them and catches up to him. Brad warns her that something is coming after them and Jill realizes it might be the same one who attacked her in her apartment. She asks if he’s seen it too and he nods yes. They then hear a faint cry of “STARS” from the distance and Brad suddenly gets scared, telling Jill to run away as more zombies follow after them. They run inside a bar and try to shut the doors and Brad gets bitten. He stays behind as Jill is forced to leave.
Jill keeps looking for her way out of the city and spots helicopters passing by. One of them spots a light on her and calls for her to go the rooftop of a nearby parking garage. Jill heads for the parking garage and ascends the stairs. Jill gets to the roof as the chopper lands. She hears the elevator ring from behind her and wearily aims her gun at it, only to see Brad come out of the elevator. The two are briefly reunited as they both make for the chopper. Suddenly, a rocket shoots through and destroys the helicopter. Jill and Brad turn to see the large man from behind them armed with a bazooka. It makes a huge leap and lands in front of them. The man shoves them both to the ground and aims the bazooka at them. Jill aims and shoots just in time to blow up the bazooka, setting the man on fire and burns off his mask, revealing his monstrous face. Surviving the explosion, the man keeps walking towards them. Jill gasps when she realizes this now unmasked creature is a B.O.W.
Jill gets up to shoot at the monster until she runs out of ammo. Cornered, Jill has nowhere to go and Brad sacrifices himself by pushing her out of the way as he himself is grabbed by the man. He lifts him by his head and he starts violently shaking as Jill helplessly watches. A tentacle bursts through and impales Brad’s head as he convulses in shock and terror. Jill reloads and faces the creature. Nemesis turns towards Jill and she is forced to fight him. Using the environment around her, Jill manages to subdue the creature. Believing it to be a tyrant, Jill leaves in case it gets up again.
Scouring the city once more, Jill finds a cop car with a radio attached. She enters and uses it to get in contact with Raccoon City Police Department, asking if there are survivors. She hears Marvin on the other end, and learns that the RPD has created a safe haven for survivors. Jill gets ready to head there. On her way to the RPD, Jill hears gunshots and follows them, hoping for more survivors. She encounters a handsome mercenary finishing off a small group of zombies. She compliments his work and he introduces himself as Carlos.
My version of Carlos would be a mix between remake and original, he has the boyish looks and accent of the original but the build and hair of the remake version.
Carlos flirts with Jill, telling her she’s the very first cute “chica” he ran into that’s not dead. She notes that he doesn’t look like an officer nor a member of the National Guard. He tells her he’s a contracted mercenary, part of a paramilitary unit sent in to rescue civilians. Jill tells him that the RPD has several civilians in need of help. Carlos volunteers to escort her there. Together, they journey through Raccoon and eventually reach the RPD’s front gates.
Before they enter, Jill notices the Umbrella logo on Carlos’s sleeve. Realizing he’s working for Umbrella, she starts an argument, questioning his intentions. Carlos doesn’t know what she’s talking about and that all he’s there for is to truly help civilians. Zombies begin showing up and Carlos asks if they can continue this conversation later and enter through the front gates, locking it behind them.
Jill and Carlos meet with Marvin, who’s holed up with 20 other survivors in the main hall. The East Wing of the RPD has been overrun and thus was locked down and quarantined. Carlos asks if there’s a radio he can use to contact his unit (he lost his radio) and Jill suggests the STARS office. Jill asks if the STARS office is safe to go to. Marvin tells her to go for it if she needs something from there.
Both Jill and Carlos make their way to the STARS office via West Wing and Jill finds her lockpick. She grabs more gear to put on (torso holster). Carlos contacts his unit and learns the comm systems are down (a possible sabotage by Irons). Jill asks Carlos if genuinely believes he’s helping the people and he tells her she doesn’t have to trust him if she doesn’t want to. Realizing there’s no way to get in contact, the duo decide to return to the main hall. They hear a crash from somewhere nearby. Upon investigating, both are horrified to see that Nemesis is still alive and has crashed through the West Wing, allowing zombies to enter and invade the station. Many of the survivors are killed and Marvin is bit during the struggle. Jill is horrified to realize that Nemesis was tracking her and followed her to the RPD. A remorseful Jill and Carlos lure Nemesis away from the station as she bids goodbye to Marvin, apologizing for letting this happen.
The two manage to evade Nemesis out in the streets when they hide inside a restaurant. Carlos asked what the hell was thing and Jill quips that it’s a co-worker of his, a creation of Umbrella. Carlos is shocked by this. He then tells Jill that his team made a small shelter in the train station, and that they should head there. Just then, Nemesis discovers them. Jill forces Carlos to leave her as she promises to meet him at the train station. Jill proceeds to lead Nemesis away as she heads for the sewers.
In the sewers, she manages to evade him by crawling under a vent. Jill encounters Hunter Gammas in the sewers before finding her way into the train station. She follows through and makes it the outdoor train station where the UBCS unit is stationed. Jill runs to meet Carlos and the rest of the team: Nikolai, Tyrell, Murphy, and squad leader Mikhail. Nikolai is hesitant to let Jill in but Mikhail overrules him, revealing he knows of Jill and her identity, and that she could be of great help to them. Carlos reveals they have trouble getting the train back in order as the power is down. Jill knows where the power plant is to bring that part of the city’s power back in working order. Mikhail sends the team in separate units to run other errands while Jill volunteers to go to the power plant, with Mikhail thanking her and Carlos wishing her luck. Jill tells them she’s not doing this for them but for the civilians they have rescued. Carlos hands her a radio to stay in contact. Before Jill leaves, she overhears Mikhail talk to Carlos and Tyrell about a Doctor Bard.
Jill makes her way back to the city, with Nemesis secretly in pursuit and ambushing her at any opportunity. Jill has to go through an abandoned factory, a casino, and the park to get to the power plant. She also requires sets of items to progress and has to search around the city, making it even more difficult since Nemesis is in stalker mode and can pop out anytime.
Jill goes through an autoshop where she hears cries for help. She witnesses Murphy being confronted by Nikolai. Murphy calls for her and Nikolai promptly shoots him in the head and the shocked Jill asks him why he would do that. Nikolai tells her that he suspected Murphy was bit and therefore infected. Jill asks him if he’s sure and Nikolai invites her to check on Murphy’s corpse, and she declines. Nikolai lets her know that he still does not trust her and will keep his eye on her to make sure she doesn’t ruin things for them. Jill questions why he’s so hostile with her even though she’s already helping and Nikolai briefly hints at her involvement in the mansion incident, causing Jill to wonder how he knows of such information. Considering Irons did everything to bury the story.
Nikolai advises her to walk away before she gets hurt, which she takes as a threat. He then leaves the autoshop and Jill collects the parts she requires to progress. Jill soon passes by outside the park where she meets with Carlos and Tyrell, asking them what they’re doing there. The gate to the park is locked and Carlos volunteers to scout the area and clear it. He climbs over the fence and investigates the park upon learning the gate is electronically locked. Jill thinks he’s doing it to impress her and Tyrell backs her on that. Carlos winks at her and she tells him good luck. He says he promises to not leave her in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world.
Carlos searches around and encounters multiple infected. He radios Jill and Tyrell while he searches around and looks for the generator to turn on the power and unlock the electronic gate. He cannot enter through the south exit as it is locked with a simple lock. As Carlos investigates further in the cemetery, an earthquake occurs and the ground burrows from beneath him. He falls and witnesses a gigantic worm-like monster emerge. The Gravedigger begins to chase Carlos and he manages to climb out the tunnel. The Gravedigger hunts for Carlos while he sees the fountain break and pour water into the tunnel. Realizing he could use this to his advantage, he breaks some wires and tosses them into the water. This sequence is similar to the Iluzija boss fight (invisible snake) in RE6. Carlos then turns on generators one by one while evading the Gravedigger and its spawn. Eventually, he manages to lure Gravedigger into the puddle and turns on the last generator, electrocuting Gravedigger. Thinking its dead, Carlos checks on it, only for it to rise one more time. Carlos throws a grenade in its mouth and destroys it from the inside. With the power back on, Carlos releases the lock on the gate and lets Jill and Tyrell in. They see the large worm and congratulate Carlos on its kill. Carlos and Tyrell reluctantly leave Jill on their quest as they head out on their own mission while she continues hers, using the lockpick to go through the park’s south exit.
Jill finds her way to the STAGLA gas station as the way forward is blocked and the only way is through the garage. She enters and Nikolai appears to be already there. Still distrustful of one another, they briefly form a truce to investigate the area. Zombies begin to ambush the gas station. Jill and Nikolai join forces and fight through. They are able to go through the garage and Nikolai lifts the shutter for Jill to squeeze through. Nikolai tells her to run for it and a spontaneous spark ignites a fire. Jill is forced to leave Nikolai and she runs for her life as STAGLA gas station explodes, seemingly killing Nikolai. Jill sadly bids him farewell, admitting she was wrong about him. She radios Carlos, telling him Nikolai is dead, much to his dismay. Nemesis appears again to stalk Jill, forcing her to hurry.
Jill makes it to the power plant where she loses Nemesis, and the plant is now infested with a gigantic Drain Deimos nest. She powers through and manages to turn the generators on. In my version, it’s going to be more intense and less annoying. No impregnating or deep-throating, just latching on to Jill and attempting to suck her brain out and she has to push them off like she would any other zombie.
Jill turns on the power to the substation and is ambushed by Nemesis just outside the plant, now armed with a minigun. This is basically the rocket launcher sequence from the remake but this time it’s with a minigun. Jill tries her best to escape and goes through a building while Nemesis shoots after her, imitating the intro to CODE Veronica. Jill runs as fast as she can to escape Nemesis’s clutches and she heads for an office building, jumping into a trash chute to get away from Nemesis as he runs out of ammo. Jill makes it out of the office basement/parking garage and she gets on a car. She drives it out of the garage where she finds Carlos alone outside, having followed her and separated from Tyrell.
Carlos enters the vehicle and together they drive away with Nemesis in pursuit. They are both stunned to see that Nemesis is quite fast and is able to latch on the car with his tentacle. Jill manages to put enough power to pull the car away from Nemesis, and she crashes into a street lamp while Nemesis is pulled and falls flat on his face. Carlos, seeing no other way to escape, gets out of the car and instructs Jill to do the same. Jill spots Nemesis about to get up. She locks the door to prevent Carlos from getting back on and utters “It’s my turn, bitch” as she plows the car and rams Nemesis into a wall. Nemesis is pinned between the car and wall and he reaches into the car, using a tentacle to briefly stab Jill in the arm. Carlos uses his rifle to shoot Nemesis, causing him to let go of Jill.
Injured but still alive, Jill manages to climb out the car and walk away from Nemesis as he tries to push the car off him. She sees that fuel is leaking out of the car. Carlos asks her what are they supposed to do now. Jill asks if he has a lighter and he gives it to her, she lights it and throws it at Nemesis, setting the fuel on fire and exploding the car, seemingly killing Nemesis. Carlos jokes that it was his “grandfather’s lighter that he kept as a remembrance of him.” Jill laughs with him, relieved that the monster is destroyed, before she begins wincing in pain. She realizes Nemesis’s tentacle injected a toxin in her and she is now infected. Jill begins to collapse as her infection takes hold of her, with Carlos holding her in his arms and telling her to stay with him. Carlos remembers Doctor Bard and how he may be able to help her. He carries Jill and radios Tyrell to meet him at the hospital.
Carlos brings Jill to the hospital where he places her in a safe and contained treatment room. Jill awakes and tells Carlos that she can’t feel anything. He tells her that’s a good thing but Jill tells him that she can’t feel *anything* and what would happen to her if she doesn’t feel human. She begs him, if it comes to it, he must kill her. Carlos can’t bring himself to and promises to make her better. Jill slips back into unconsciousness.
Carlos scours the hospital. This part is still very similar to the hospital section in the actual remake so I would change very little about this. So the Hunter Betas still stay the same. Maybe make it a much bigger and expanded hospital with more enemies. Carlos eventually finds Dr. Bard but he’s already dead. He sees recorded footage of Dr. Bard confessing all of what he knows about Umbrella, thus Carlos realizes Jill was telling the truth. He’s been duped by his own employers. Tyrell appears, paranoid and aiming a gun at Carlos. Carlos questions him and Tyrell asks if Carlos is the traitor, to which Carlos has no idea of what he’s talking about. Tyrell tells Carlos that the vaccine is worth a lot of money and they’ve been backstabbing each other for it, to which Carlos still has no idea. Tyrell goes for the container and opens it, only to realize too late it was booby trapped. A grenade explodes and kills Tyrell as Carlos jumps for safety. Carlos realizes the original vaccine has been stolen and he has to make a new one himself as per instructions in Bard’s research documents. Carlos uses what he can of the hospital and Bard’s resources to formulate his own vaccine. With the vaccine, Carlos makes his way back to Jill. He injects Jill with it, hoping she would get better. While waiting, he falls asleep.
Jill eventually awakens and sees Carlos asleep. She wakes him up and he becomes cheerful she’s still alive. She thanks him, and apologizes for being a bitch to him earlier. However, both realize much time has passed and it’s already near midnight of September 30th. They see the news and learn that the United States government made the decision to nuke Raccoon City by sunrise on October 1st. Jill and Carlos then get out of the hospital to head back to the train station. Carlos radios Mikhail, only to hear static with short cuts of screaming from the radio. Both Jill and Carlos are getting incredibly worried.
The two make their way back to the train station and find it in ruins. Dead bodies everywhere and all the civilians and the rest of the UBCS squad are dead. They hear gunshots and run for it, seeing Mikhail fight against zombies and throws a grenade at them to blow them up. Carlos and Jill run for Mikhail and help him back up. Carlos asks what happened and Mikhail tells him they’ve been set up. Someone betrayed them and turned everyone into guinea pigs. The mission was already a failure from the minute they landed. Carlos then realizes it was Nikolai who set them up which surprised Jill as she thought he was dead.
Mikhail reveals that Nikolai was the traitor and it is shown in flashbacks what Nikolai has done. And thus Nikolai was the one who set the base up to be ambushed by zombies, Mikhail is the only survivor. Jill and Carlos help Mikhail up and to the train, as it is in working order now. There is a National Guard post set up by the Saint Michael’s Clocktower and they should get there. They board the train and start it.
As the train goes on, Mikhail rests in the back car while Jill and Carlos commandeer the train. They then talk about how they’re going to escape once they make it to the Clocktower. The train suddenly shakes and they hear Mikhail screaming. Jill turns to investigate and finds Nemesis still alive and aboard the train. Nemesis has now mutated into his shirtless 2nd form from the original. Both Jill and Mikhail try to take him on but Mikhail stops Jill and tells her they should get to the front car. Jill moves to the front car but Mikhail locks the door from behind her. Jill turns and begs Mikhail to come with them, but Mikhail stays behind to sacrifice himself and give the two more time to escape. Mikhail confronts Nemesis and Nemesis shoves him away. Before Nemesis can kill Mikhail, he activates a grenade and blows himself and Nemesis up. Nemesis is thrown from the train and back out on the street. The train becomes unstable and both Jill and Carlos realize they can’t stay. The train begins to decouple on the bridge and the duo open the doors of the train. Jill and Carlos agree to jump out together and into the river below. Jill is able to jump but the force of the train knocks Carlos back as it crashes.
Jill lands in the water and screams for Carlos as the train crashes. Believing Carlos to be dead, Jill sadly goes on her own way. She swims to the docks and finds herself at the waste disposal treatment facility, or Dead Factory for short. She goes through there while encountering BOWs of any kind. She also learns that Nemesis is inside, hunting for her. It becomes a cat and mouse game inside the dead factory until Jill required a key card to escape. She runs into Nikolai, who ambushes her and fights her. He tells her she’s a tough cookie but her time is up. Jill asks him if it was worth the lives of all those people he got killed. Nikolai snidely comments that there is a price tag for everything, even a person’s life. To him, he does not care and he’s still going to get rich from this. He reveals to Jill he has the stolen vaccine, and intends to sell it to the highest bidder. Jill tells him the world needs the vaccine for good. While both of them have their guns at each other, Nemesis bursts through the wall in-between and separates them. Nikolai leaves Jill to be distracted by Nemesis as he makes his escape.
Jill is cornered by Nemesis in an arena-like area, filled with acid tanks and bodies of deceased and disposed Tyrants. With no choice but to confront him, Jill calls him an ugly motherfucker and it’s time for him to let go. Using the acid tanks to her advantage, Jill manages to subdue and take down Nemesis once again. Nemesis is defeated and partially melted down by the acid. Jill takes the key card from a dead employee and makes it out. Unbeknownst to Jill, Nemesis survived and begins feeding on dead Tyrants in the area to recuperate.
Jill finally makes it out of the Dead Factory and begins heading for the Clocktower. Upon arrival, Jill finds the gate to the courtyard closed and the area empty. Wondering what happened to the army stationed there, Jill assumes they too have been taken over. Jill is forced to enter the Clocktower through the back in order to find a way to open the gate. So basically the Clocktower sequence from the original but instead of ringing the bell, it’s to open the gate, so puzzles galore!
Jill goes through the mansion-like area. She is ambushed by zombies inside and when cornered, suddenly someone begins shooting them down. Jill turns and is happy to see that Carlos has survived and has come to her rescue. They run to each other and he caresses her cheek, telling her he promised to not leave her in a Carlos-less world. She smiles and embraces him, and the two agree to work together and split up to find a way to open the gate. Jill manages to finally open her part of the gate but is ambushed by a heavily mutated Nemesis, now in his 3rd form (2nd form in the remake but a little smaller). Horrified, Jill attempts to escape Nemesis and Carlos appears just in time with a grenade launcher to blast the ceiling. This causes a cave-in and crushes Nemesis underneath all the debris.
Jill and Carlos get out to the courtyard and find Nikolai. Nikolai tells them about the helicopter just by the courtyard. He offers to give them a split of the profits if they fight Nemesis and allow him to record the combat data. They refuse and tell him that the world needs the vaccine. Nikolai dangles it out and threatens to drop it if they don’t comply. The rubble begins to vibrate as Nemesis starts to break free. Nikolai uses this opportunity to retreat and both Carlos and Jill are left to deal with Nemesis, who has grown bigger and stronger. Carlos finds a large rail gun established by the National Guard. The two realize they can use that to their advantage and Jill sends Carlos to operate it while she deals with Nemesis. Suddenly, an alert sends out a siren warning that the nuke has been launched and the missile is approaching the city in T-minus 10 minutes.
Carlos goes to use the rail gun and Jill lures Nemesis into its path. Nemesis is knocked on its back by the cannon, which misfires and causes three power plugs to unplug. Carlos can’t operate it if those aren’t plugged in. Jill then fights Nemesis while plugging those back in at the same time. With those finally back in place, Carlos begins a countdown as to when Jill can trick Nemesis into facing the rail gun. After an intense and lengthy battle, Jill lures Nemesis into the path of the rail gun and the overcharged cannon unleashes all its energy into Nemesis, obliterating the creature. Jill and Carlos are relieved and are about to walk away when what’s left of Nemesis (the parasite, similar to how the final form look in the original but smaller) rises and tries to kill them. Jill tells Carlos to go deal with Nikolai while she deals with this herself. Carlos leaves, knowing she’ll be okay, and Jill faces this dying creature one last time. Jill finds a dead soldier’s magnum and unloads all of it into Nemesis, telling him if he wants STARS, she’ll give him stars. The final shot explodes the parasite’s head, thus killing it for good.
Jill follows after Carlos and makes it to the helicopter, only to find Carlos unconscious. Nikolai ambushes her and aims a gun at her. He throws the vaccine at her and shoots it, destroying it much to her anger. The pissed off Jill tells him he’ll regret that. Nikolai laughs, telling her she should have accepted his offer when she had the chance. Carlos rises and fights Nikolai. Both Jill and Carlos tag team Nikolai, who was still capable of taking them both. He manages to overpower them and knocks Jill back and takes a knife against Carlos’s neck. Jill aims her gun at Nikolai. Nikolai is also aiming a gun at her, threatening that she can’t shoot him fast enough to save Carlos. Carlos tells her to take the shot and don’t worry about him, to save herself. Jill pretends to surrender and drops the gun. Jill quickly drops to the ground to catch it and shoots Nikolai in the chest (another reference to CODE Veronica). Zombies hear the gunshot and start making their way for it.
Nikolai drops to the floor and both Jill and Carlos watch him as he pathetically begs for his life, even offering to give her information on Umbrella. Jill tells him he’s not worthy to come alive with them and that she can do her own detective work. Both Jill and Carlos take the helicopter and leave Nikolai to die as zombies begin to circle him.
Jill and Carlos fly out of Raccoon City as daylight approaches. Both witness as the nuke passes by and heads for the city. They watch the nuke detonate, destroying Raccoon City. So pretty much the same exact ending as the original except this time I would have liked to add close-up shots of the city and its iconic locations blowing up. You know, just like the original? I will also get rid of the post-credits since that has like almost nothing to do with the plot anyway. I’ll keep Jill’s end speech the same as the remake’s with the human greed and all for the woke points lol
Anywho, all done. I hope you guys enjoyed it as well as I did writing it out. So I pretty much just took the basics of the original and remake, mashed them together, and made my own version! Thank you for reading and have a great day :D
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